Refinance & Debt Consolidation
Precise Mortgage - Helping you save.
Many of us have heard the term “Set & forget” and for most people paying off a home loan that’s generally what happens.
The timing of a new mortgage usually coincides with the busiest part of life, so other commitments such as work, children, and perhaps caring for parents means that a regular review of our own finances is often overlooked or put back to another day.
For most borrowers this is an expensive mistake.

Consolidation - Making things easier.
Competition amongst lenders is strong. What may have been the best deal yesterday may not be the best deal today. Many will also accumulate other debt, such as motor vehicle finance, credit cards & personal loans.
In many cases a debt consolidation loan not only makes it easier to manage your finances, but it can also save you thousands of dollars, cutting years off your commitments.